Monday, June 10, 2013

War on Humanity

We interrupt your malleable consciousness from the soft effects of tyranny in the US and the hard effects of tyranny occurring in Istanbul to bring you a short assessment of the human condition.
At this stage of evolutionary development, despite humanity’s magnificent accomplishments and advancements, it is painfully clear that the dominant species residing upon this Earth is slowly but surely intent upon destroying itself.

One rather obvious piece of evidence is the long history of perpetual tribal turmoil at every order of magnitude driven by concentrations of power under the guise of leadership, which feed and thrive on the total control and dominance of all human affairs.

Combine such history with an all powerful, but rather apathetic mass of humanity allowing these concentrations of corrupt powers to dominate and subversively rule with impunity, and one quickly realizes precisely what empowers such evil. 
The evils that humanity continues to inflict upon itself dwarf all that is, or appears to have been good for the betterment of humankind. We can and should do far better, first as individuals, and by extension as a collective species.