1776 - The American DECLARATION: These foundational concepts
of American history along with the brilliantly drafted binding documents, which
were mostly a collection of prudently reasoned natural laws, provides perpetual
testament to that which humankind can be exceptionally proud of for all eternity.
Today, 241 years later, not so much - as it is quite clear
that the original intent of instituting a small and limited government designed
specifically to foster, serve, and protect the freedom and liberty of its
citizenry has become just the opposite; a large oppressive tyrannical system of
unaccountable shadow governance for the benefit of the few at the expense of
the many.
Ironically, it is indeed we the people (the many) who have
all the power but know not how to exercise it accordingly. We, the masses,
instead opt for the path of least resistance - bread and circus as it were, so
long as our ill-perceived lives of mindless consumption, passivity, and comfort
are not too infringed upon by the unaccountable powers that be.
Therein lays the fatal mistake and lack of essential vigilance
that has enabled the mind-numbing level of flagrant corruption and lawlessness
that now passes itself off as the ruling government, by and for the people…
yeah, right…
Methinks it’s time to boldly and vigorously insist upon the reinstatement
of said declaration, and to fully reclaim and vigilantly enforce the existing rules,
natural laws, and unshakable foundations upon which it was so eloquently
perfected. What do you think?