The Elliott Wave Technology Website has been whipsawed - taking a sizable-hit resulting from a spate of technical glitches experienced in the June, July, and August periods.
Unfortunately, those we richly compensate and entrust to procure all technical matters concerning the “web,” have inadvertently failed us. This has cost us dearly in countless ways.
What we have recently experienced was quite similar to that of a good trade gone bad - forcing ones hand at sucking-up a sizable unwanted loss, leaving the sting-of-the-hit to linger a bit longer than it otherwise would.
Briefly, the worst of our unexplainable technical glitches enabled a random and intermittent portion of new and existing subscribers to gain initial, and renewal access to content without charge.
Our developers have assured us that all is now firmly under control - and that any outstanding glitches will cycle and cleanse themselves through the system by Septembers-end.
Those affected will likely receive a default “declined payment” e-mail notification, and will need to re-order subscription access from the member login page. For those requiring assistance in doing this, just go to Managing Your Subscription for a simple walk-through.
No one is specifically to blame – instead, it is one of those situations better chalked up to the “stuff-happens,” realm. Frankly, it is behind us at this point, and we have already moved on to our next trade.
Building A Large, Elite, and Fast Growing Network of Profitable Traders and Investors:
Since April of this year, our membership clientele has more than TRIPLED! Our growth has been phenomenal.
We believe this success has to do with our general philosophy to over-deliver on our commitment to provide the most accurate and timely forecasting guidance available anywhere on the net. We continue to fulfill this trusted obligation with extremely high honors.
We have recently added DAILY MARKET COVERAGE for short-term equity index traders providing a continuous FIVE DAYS A WEEK of seamless market coverage!
In addition, we have recently provided a blog page where we share and answer questions relative to trading, proper interpretation, and application of our unique – easy to adopt methods of analysis and trade.
Due to sheer volume of comprehensive information and inordinate time required to procure, we have pared back our comprehensive NTO to two issues per week, but added a third Evening Post Briefing for the weekends.
The enormous growth of our subscription base provides testament to our successful brand of forecasting. This is likely a result of the consistent level of PROFITABLE TRADING OPPORTUNITIES identified regularly in all of our publications, and across every time-horizon.
With modest efforts and steadily honed money management disciplines, subscribers should have no trouble at all extracting inordinate multiples in excess of 10X to 1000X-times the cost of subscription premiums.
As one of our subscribers has recently put it:
“The content provided is undoubtedly efficient, and diligently composed; - only a nitwit could lose money following the advice contained therein.”
Exemplified beautifully in the Crude Oil chart provided to NTO subscribers back on August 21, 2007 - the following publication excerpt provides perfect testament to the above client’s rather impassive quote.
The graphic below, though reduced in size with marginally legible text, is an actual page extraction from our Near Term Outlook publication – the larger degree wave-counts and price-targets were removed, as they are naturally reserved for clients’ eyes only.
Bubbling Crude
After plunging precipitously for the two weeks prior, the crux of our August 21 report for Crude Oil was anticipating bottom to a 4th wave down, and included a secondary follow-up issuance of a BUY SIGNAL against the 68.90 low.
As we all know by now, by last Thursday - September 13, just three short-weeks from our call to BUY CRUDE at $69.00, Crude closed that session at 78.78 – up 9.78 or 14.17%.
Those clients trading futures earned upwards of $9000.00 per contract basis this singular forecast! Those trading 2 contracts earned $18,000.00, and those trading more than two contracts made more money in three weeks than the majority of Americans earn over the course on an entire year!
Conservative clients trading the non-leveraged (USO) oil-fund ETF had opportunity to earn in excess of 14% returns in three short-weeks! A non-leveraged ETF trade yielded clients $1,400.00 in profit for each multiple of 10K invested.
Most fund managers would be thrilled to achieve such numbers over the course of an entire year let alone three weeks - we often produce such performance metrics in less than a month!
What its Worth to You, is all that matters
What might one be willing to pay for such consistent and profitable forecasting? What is the true worth of such anticipatory guidance in the market place?
Obviously, worth and value will vary greatly from person to person. For instance, the futures trader employing a multiple-lot trading strategy would likely be willing to pony-up a much higher premium than the non-leveraged fund trader would.
In either case, basis the single example above - earning in excess of $9,000.00 per contract for the futures trader, and over $1,400.00 per 10K invested for the non-leveraged fund trader, we trust that both would be more than willing to part with a 5% – 10% tributary commission from their bounties for having access to such credible, consistent, and reliable information.
On that one trade alone, this would translate to $450.00 - $900.00 from a single-lot futures trader’s profits, and $70.00 - $140.00 from the non-leveraged fund traders profit per 10K invested.
Given that one-hundred such trading opportunities may funnel throughout our publications in a given month, how then might one begin to place value and worth on such and endless wellspring of opportunity?
We Stand and Deliver
The bottom line is that anyone who has experienced, followed, and tracked the net-profit-effect of our work knows the level of skill, time, efficacy, and production value that goes into each of our publications.
Admittedly, ours is not a “high-gloss,” publication, nor one filled with well-written, entertaining prose discussing economic fundamentals, or providing interesting philosophy for one to ponder.
Instead, the information from our publications reflects the raw actionable substance provided by price-action itself, and gets straight to the day-to-day realities facing traders and investors of every stripe.
We meticulously survey and graphically draft the price-action landscape – then proceed to set forth a consistent forward-looking road map, inclusive of all obstacles and detours minus any emotional table-pounding biases.
Time to Step Up to the Plate
In light of the inordinate amount of time expended producing our reports in concert with the explosive profit potential resident within each publication – access premiums will be doubling across-the-board in the very near future.
Boys to Men
For those with any trading/decision making ability whatsoever, such news shall be deemed meaningless - shrugged off as a non-event. For those who continually struggle in “getting the knack of things,” our revised publication premiums will likely add insult to injury. So be it…
If one is unable to quickly grasp our consistently proven market message and continually fails to translate such information to regular profit margins that utterly dwarf membership premiums, then it is likely that such individuals have no business trading the markets in the first place.
Make It So
The Fall is here, and the time is right – so let the games begin… ENGAGE
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Timing the Markets: It's Easier Than You Think
CHART- CAST PILOT: Lifetime Performance
Left Behind, Chasing Armegeddon
How will you know when to buy and sell?
Simple solution to grow your long-term nest egg
Should you own Gold and Silver?
Where do your tendencies lie within the realm of hope, fear and greed? It is rather important that you know...>>read more