From Monday August 27 through Monday September 3 (Market Holiday),
Elliott Wave Technology will be in process of moving both residence, and business operations cross-country to the east coast.
During this one-week period, we will be unable to publish the Near Term Outlook, nor the new interim "Evening Posts."
We shall provide full-credit for this interruption - by way of extending current subscriptions for an additional week.
We will do this automatically by delaying the rebilling cycle-process to credit all clients for the number of issues missed.
The NTO will resume regular publications on Wednesday September 5.
Logistics dictate that our move take place in two-stages.
We will begin to experience interim transitional constraints relative to the first-stage of the move - beginning on Friday August 17, throughout August 24.
Barring any technical problems in establishing internet service at our interim (or final) destination, we do not expect to miss any publications (including the “Evening Posts”) during this period – although commentaries may be somewhat shorter.
Should markets settle down by then - or even if they do not – perhaps those clients who have amassed substantial profits over recent months, might wish to consider this period a good time to step back from the trading arena, and smell the roses – you have certainly earned it!
Site Navigation
- The Long-Term Trend Monitor is Here
- Timing the Markets: It's Easier Than You Think
- CHART- CAST PILOT: Lifetime Performance
- Left Behind, Chasing Armegeddon
- How will you know when to buy and sell?
- Simple solution to grow your long-term nest egg
- Should you own Gold and Silver?
Where do your tendencies lie within the realm of hope, fear and greed? It is rather important that you know...>>read more